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Beazley’s digital division starts trading

February 04, 2022

New division to transform digital access for global broking partners


Beazley has announced that its global digital trading division, Beazley Digital, is up and running. The new hub brings together underwriting, claims, technology and operational experts into one cross-functional team, to deliver seamless digital access and services to a range of high volume, lower premium products for its global broking partners.

Ian Fantozzi, CEO of Beazley Digital said: “With technology playing an increasingly important role in facilitating insurance placement and portfolio management we can now offer access to the digital distribution channels our broking partners want to use – portals, APIs, market hubs and email. Supported by the human experience and interaction that our brokers value so highly.

“We are not looking to simply ‘digitise’ legacy systems and continue traditional line-led underwriting; instead we have organised the team so that we can offer one Beazley point of contact to access multiple lines and digital services via a selection of digital channels.”

Beazley Digital’s core objectives are:

Brilliant basics – ensuring Beazley’s digital traded products use consistent technology to offer automated solutions that minimise response times and reduce referrals.

Meeting brokers where they want to be met – offering access to our products via the digital distribution channels that suit our brokers’ needs.

Easy access to specialists – supporting digital transactions with easy access to our experts, ensuring queries get to the right people first time.

Using data to drive insight – sharing data and insight with brokers to improve portfolio management.

Striving for better – listening and working in partnership with brokers and our ecosystem of technology partners to continually improve how we deliver our products and services.